Seeking Entries for Women’s Magazine / Calls & Submissions
October 9, 2020
Organization Name: OyeDrum Magazine
Organization Location: Online
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
OyeDrum magazine is now accepting submissions for Volume 3!
We are seeking visual art, performance art, short films, spoken-audio pieces, creative fiction and nonfiction, poetry, hybrid work, photo essays, graphic novels, and more by women and witches of ALL ages and ALL walks of life. OyeDrum is committed to presenting diverse and inclusive work from those just getting started in their careers, as well as those who are more established.
The theme of this issue is SEX. OyeDrum Magazine publishes explorative, creative, and intellectual work, exclusively by women, for all audiences. We are proud to feature diverse voices from all over the world, and encourage women of all backgrounds and ages to submit their work. We feature performing and visual art, creative writing, media, music, and we love publishing hybrid or experimental work. See our submission guidelines for all the details!
Deadline: October 9th
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsLiteraryMultidisciplinaryPerformingPhotographyVisual