Brian Benfer
County: Pierce County
Grants for Artist Projects 2011
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Brian Benfer has worked in a variety of media including site-specific installations, sculpture, video, ceramics, paintings and performance art. He has exhibited work in numerous venues across the U.S. and Europe including the Bill Maynes Gallery, The Rotermann Art Center and the Latvijas Makslinieku Savienibas Galerija (Riga, Latvia). He has served at numerous academic posts and has presented his work at such venues as the Ohio University School of Art, Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and Houston’s Center for Contemporary Craft. Benfer received his BA from Humboldt State University and his MFA in Visual Arts from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University.
Brian will use his 2011 GAP funding to prepare for a two-person exhibition with John Grade at Gallery4Culture in Seattle. The exhibition is scheduled to open in March of 2012, concurrent with the annual ceramics conference that will be held in Seattle. Benfer will use GAP funding to help absorb production, transportation and material costs for the exhibition. Some of the work slated for inclusion in the show will need to be shipped/transported from various venues/locations. Materials for the shipping, preparation and installation of the exhibition will exceed funding accessible to Benfer without the GAP funding.
Featured Works
Untitled (CI-3), clay, 2" x 16 ft x 12 ft, 2003.
Untitled (SHSU Pre-Benfer), mixed media, 72"x226"x2", 2006.
Untitled (CP-3), clay on canvas, 96"x98"x2", 2002.