Carolyn Law
County: King County

Grants for Artist Projects 2014
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Carolyn Law is both a studio and public artist. Her art career spans more than 35 years. The part of her career revolving around public art experiences encompasses a diverse range of commissioned public art projects, art plans, and curating of innovative exhibitions in public places. She is driven by her exploration and consideration of how artists approach to life and place and their art can impact civic issues and locations for those areas and arenas we share in common or infrastructure that serves the public making out lives possible. Equally Law’s studio work involves complementary, on-going explorations through mixed media pieces such as a long-term visual journal about readings and musings, and temporary installations located in whatever interior and natural settings strike her fancy.
Carolyn received 2014 GAP funding for sound equipment and fabrication time for her Wishing Well installation. The installation highlights the intensely focused period when thoughts are distilled into a singe wish. That moment of focus stands in sharp contrast to today’s daily life. The sound component of a composed collage of sounds will be triggered as one looks into the well. By using a “sound cone” above the well, sound will only be heard by a person at the well. The gallery remains silent, mysterious, contemplative. There will be two to three sound collages allowing the well environment to renew if someone steps back into the well zone.
Featured Works

Woods Well, aluminum, plexiglass, 38”x44”, 2006.
What You See, mirrors, 30’x30’, 2009.

Layers of History, table, chair, plywood, paint, paper, 4’x34”x40”, 2011.

Plains Ikebana, table, chair, plywood, paint, reeds, 4’x34”x52”, 2011.