Christopher Howell
County: Spokane County
Fellowship Awards 2003, 2014
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Christopher Howell’s latest collection of poems, Gaze, from Milkweed Editions, was released in 2012. Dreamless and Possible was published by the University of Washington Press in 2010. His poems, essays, and translations have also appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, including Antioch Review, Colorado Review, Crazy Horse, Denver Quarterly, Field, Gettysburg Review, Harper’s Iowa Review, Northwest Review, Poetry Northwest, and Southern Review. Christopher has received numerous awards, including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, two Washington State Book Awards, and three Pushcart Prizes. He is professor of English and Creative Writing at Eastern Washington University.
Featured Works
Though Silence: The Ling Wei Texts: Poems, Lost Horse Press, 1999.
Just Waking, Lost Horse Press, 2002.
Dreamless and Possible: Poems New and Selected, University of Washington Press, 2010.
Gaze, Milkweed Editions, 2013.