Dave Kennedy
County: King County
Website: http://davekennedyimages.com/

Grants for Artist Projects 2015
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Fellowship Awards 2017
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Dave Kennedy is a Seattle-based multimedia artist working in photography, collage, sculpture, and installation. He received an undergraduate degree from Western Washington University in visual communication and an MFA from the University of Washington in interdisciplinary arts. He is a recipient of the 4Culture Individual Project Award, the Joanne Bailey Wilson Endowed Scholarship, and the Vermont Studio Center Fellowship. Dave has recently served on Seattle Art Museum’s Blueprint Roundtable panel discussing the color line in the arts and participated as a guest lecturer at the Henry Art Gallery on the topics of beauty and social inclusion as an intro to Out [o] Fashion curated by Deb Willis. Dave’s works have been published globally in such magazines as Art21 and Numéro Cinq and exhibited both locally and internationally at such venues as the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Photographic Center Northwest, Zhou B Art Center, Chicago Industrial Arts & Design Center, Escuela de Belle Arte in Spain, Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society Museum, and the Seattle Art Museum’s Gallery.
Dave received 2015 GAP funding to assist with the development and presentation of his upcoming solo show: compositions that are created to help magnify the layers and layers of meanings made possible by our senses and perceptions. In this series, Dave has been remaking an image of an image, specifically layering-in selected objects to change their dimensions and scale. The process provides a meditation on disrupting assumptions — the established ways we are taught to think that about seeing.
Featured Works

Something fully itself, 108 x 81 x 6”, 2016. Dave Kennedy.

A figure seen from the back, Photo copies, paint stir, peg board, wood scrap and green straw, 8' x 7.75', 2015 .

Studio shot; A view to a passageway, 2015 .

A view to a passageway, Photo copies, green tube, wood block, and plastic, 7.75' x 6.2', 2015.

Dusty teal stick and Trapezoid, 16 x .75 x 1.25” & 6.5 x .875”, 2016. Dave Kennedy.

Framed between two others, 113 x 73 x 6”, 2016. Dave Kennedy.

Install shot of solo show at Bridge Productions, various sizes, 2016. Dave Kennedy.

Crescent moon and white circle on rectangle, 7.75 x 5.5 x .75” & 13 x 1.5 x 3.5”, 2016. Dave Kennedy.