
Home > Grantees > Deanna Belinoff

Deanna Belinoff

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2012
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Deanna Belinoff ‘s recent body of work includes large-scale paintings and drawings that are composed on multiple layers of semi-transparent light weight mylar, a material that makes presentation a challenge. Because the work needs to be protected to be shown in public, she is designing a system of supports that does not conceal the work behind glass or plexiglass. GAP funds will be applied to expenses for fabrication materials and studio assistance.  Her recent pieces work to engage people in the awesome scale of our universe throught the distillation of sketches based around the direct observation of the Northwest sky.

Deanna received a 2012 GAP for supplies and studio assistant fees to support her recent work. Working in the long tradition of geometric abstraction that is grounded in nature and pays homage to reductivism, Deanne draws inspiration from scientific and metaphysical concepts about the natural world. In most of her drawings and paintings of the last two decades she has used geometric shapes—primarily the circle—as a means of expressing her ideas about reality and its underpinnings, the vast rotations of solar systems, and the implicit connection of all things in the universe.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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