Hengda Li
County: King County
Website: http://www.hengdadance.com/

Fellowship Awards 2011
Learn About Fellowship Awards
Hengda Li, founder of Asian Performing Arts Theater and HengDa Dance Academy, is officially recognized in China as a National First Rank Dancer. He is a graduate of the Beijing Dance Academy. Hengda is the only male dancer to achieve the honor of three consecutive national dance championship in China. After arriving in the USA in 1991, Hengda had been a soloist at the Pacific Northwest Ballet until the summer of 1996, and since then has been devoting all his time to the development of Asian Performing Arts Theater and Hengda Dance Academy. He is the recipient of a 2012 Seattle Mayor’s Arts Award and a 2013 CityArtist Project grant.
Artist External Links
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kiq8PHXftCg
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HengdaDance/
Featured Works

Butterfly Lovers, 1987. photo: Shen, Jinsheng.

Rhythm of Calligraphy, 2006. photo: Gary Gao.

Dreams from My Childhood, 2010. photo: Gary Gao.