
Home > Grantees > Kristen Ramirez

Kristen Ramirez

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2007, 2015
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Fellowship Awards 2019
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Kristen Ramirez was raised in Northern California. The son of a Mexican immigrant, her father nurtured a Spanish/English bilingual and bicultural home. Ramirez’s art practices are intertwined and criss-crossed. She is both a studio artist who makes discrete works and a public artist who toggles between commissions and socially engaged practices.

Ramirez has a professional career in education and arts administration, championing aspiring artists and established artists alike. Ramirez taught in San Francisco’s public schools before moving to Seattle, where she has since taught at the University of Washington, Edmonds Community College, Pratt Fine Arts Center, Path with Art, and Cornish College of the Arts. She currently manages public art projects for the City of Seattle’s Office of Arts & Culture and Seattle’s Department of Transportation (SDOT). Ramirez has received numerous awards, including Individual Artist Awards from 4Culture, two Artist Trust GAP grants, and two Public Art Network Year-in-Review Awards.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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