
Home > Grantees > Laura Read

Laura Read

County: Spokane County



Grants for Artist Projects 2013
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Laura Read has published poems in a variety of journals, most recently in Alaska Quarterly Review and New Madrid. Her chapbook, The Chewbacca on Hollywood Boulevard Reminds Me of You, was the 2010 winner of the Floating Bridge Chapbook Award, and her collection, Instructions for My Mother’s Funeral, was the 2011 winner of the AWP Donald Hall Prize for Poetry and was published in 2012 by the University of Pittsburgh Press. She teaches English at Spokane Falls Community College and lives with her husband Brad and their two sons, Benjamin and Matthew.

Laura received a 2013 GAP to assist with printing costs, postage, and contest fees to print and enter her second collection of poems in contests. This collection is entitled The Northwest Room and focuses on the intersection of identity and place.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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