Levi Gillis
County: King County
Website: http://levigillis.com/
Grants for Artist Projects 2018
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Levi Gillis is a saxophonist, improviser, and composer dedicated to the presentation and curation of a wide range of new music rooted in Jazz and Americana. Since graduating from the University of Washington Jazz Studies program, Levi has toured the country with his avant-jazz/art-rock group Hunter Gather and the rhythm-and-blues band The Dip.
The crux of Levi’s work is exploring new sounds through connecting with the emotional immediacy of American music. He seeks to understand the humanity and complexity of the Jazz lineage while embracing the freedom of the avant-garde. His recent explorations into folk guitar styles have allowed him to access the intimacy found in American Folk traditions. In addition to performing, Levi seeks to facilitate meaningful connections between performers and listeners as the curator for Table & Chairs monthly artist showcase. Levi has dedicated this series to fostering equity and amplifying voices of artists from diverse backgrounds.
Levi received 2018 GAP Award funding to develop a set of new pieces for solo saxophone. He will then orchestrate these pieces for chamber ensemble and perform them with the group. With this project, Levi hopes to contribute to Seattle’s rich lineage of new work by saxophonists and creative musicians.
Artist External Links
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/levi.gillis.7
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levibeng/