
Home > Grantees > Mary Sheldon Scott

Mary Sheldon Scott

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2005
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Mary Sheldon Scott received a 2005 GAP to help defray the costs of a self-produced concert tentatively titled “Short Works and Experiments.” The concert, to be held at the Velocity MainSpace Theater in Seattle in October 2005, will feature a new work that juxtaposes radically diverse physical images, a dance solo, and a reinterpretation of a previous piece. Funds will help cover artist fees, space rental, promotion and documentation. “This will provide an opportunity for a mature choreographic artist to experiment radically with form and content—to push a powerful and evocative movement vocabulary into an even more rigorous and potent territory,” notes Scott.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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