
Home > Grantees > Matthew Young

Matthew Young

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2016
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Matt Young is a veteran, writer, and teacher. He holds an MA in creative writing from Miami University. He is the 2014 recipient of the Jordan-Goodman Award in Creative Nonfiction as well as the recipient of a 2015 writer’s residency from The Carey Institute for Global Good. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in CONSEQUENCE, The Rumpus, Word Riot, Tin House, and others. His memoir, Eat The Apple, will be published by Bloomsbury in 2018. He currently lives in Olympia, Washington and teaches at both Centralia College and South Puget Sound Community College.

Matthew Young received 2016 GAP funding for Eat the Apple, which is a memoir written in flash creative nonfiction that follows his three combat deployments to Iraq as an enlisted infantry Marine through the years of the surge and IED road wars from 2005 through 2009. The book looks at what the Iraq War did to soldiers’ minds and souls through the intimate, revealing lens of the common grunt. It gives readers an unvarnished, unblinking look at war that’s darkly humorous, wickedly entertaining, morally ambiguous, and thought provoking.

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