
Home > Grantees > Nancy Josephine Clark

Nancy Josephine Clark

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) 2024
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Nancy Josephine Clark is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Nation, born and raised in Spokane, Washington. She earned her BA in Art, MFA in Design, and Teaching Certificate from the University of Washington – Seattle. In her early career, Clark focused on painted fabrics, including quilts, wall hangings, and wearable fabrics. She later expanded to print making, gauche painting and mosaic. She has exhibited at the McColl Center for Visual Arts in Charlotte, North Carolina, the State Capital Museum in Olympia, the Northwest Arts and Craft Center at Seattle Center, and the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle. Her large archival print “Respect” hangs at Seattle University School of Law.

Alongside her art career, Clark taught art and language arts in elementary and secondary schools. Her children’s books teach multi-sensory reading and visual literacy. Clark received the “Power of Art: Education of Students with Learning Disabilities” award from the Robert Rauschenberg foundation for her work teaching art to dyslexic children.

In 2023, Clark was honored with a solo art show at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center, which was featured in the Seattle Times, May 26, 2023.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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