Patrick Parr
County: King County

Grants for Artist Projects 2013
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Fellowship Awards 2014
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Patrick Parr teaches English as a Second Language at the University of Washington. He has taught English in Japan as well as Switzerland. His work has appeared or been honored by The Humanist, Glimmer Train, BULL: Men’s Fiction, quiet Shorts, The Best of Every Day Fiction, and The Storyteller, among others. Patrick has also earned honors for his screenwriting, and his script Abroad won honorable mention in this year’s Screenplay Festival competition. Patrick earned his Bachelors in English Literature from Catawba College, and went on to a Master’s Degree at Seton Hill University.
Patrick received a 2013 GAP for travel expenses for a trip to Japan to complete research for a book project. The project will be interconnected short stories based in Japan. A few of the characters would be expats living abroad, and office workers with traditional roles to fulfill. The author’s project goal is to help illuminate Japan and make it more three-dimensional to Americans who have only heard of the country through manga or anime. In addition, experts of Japan would find new perspectives to the culture. The author has formerly published short stories about Japan in various literary magazines, and hopes, with this project, to finally have a chance to collect enough research complete the book.
Featured Works

Good News, Bad News, Every Day Fiction, 2008.

Mihara, BULL: Men's Fiction, 2012.

Outer Life, quiet shorts, 2012.

Kurt Vonnegut Survives Humanity, The Humanist, March/April 2014.