Peter Borrebach
County: King County
Grants for Artist Projects 2012
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Peter Borrebach is a poet, librettist, and installation artist based out of Seattle. His interdisciplinary work in lyricism continues to lead him to community-building and the forging of multicultural connections. His works and collaborations have been published, performed, and exhibited in New York, Miami, and Berlin. He was a founding member of the Miami Poetry Collective and co-founder of the O, Miami poetry festival.
Peter received a 2012 GAP to create adjacent works for his libretto, Prester John, a three-act grand opera written for composer Daniel Bassin (Music Director, University of Buffalo Symphony Orchestra). Funding will allow him to purchase a multi-function printer/scanner, toner, and paper; improve his ability to print drafts and convert hand-written notes into files; and purchase books for intensive research needed to create visio poems for additional materials for publication and exhibitions. This highly ambitious piece conceptually returns to the circumstances of a legend based on intercultural relations established in the Middle Ages that persist to present day. He has published individual poems and written librettos for smaller compositions before, but nothing of this scale.
Featured Works
Stumbler's Song (detail), installation with Carol Todaro, 2009. photo: Carol Todaro.
Idiopa(g)ean, artists book/installation with artist Carol Todaro, 2010. photo: Carol Todaro.
Little River, broadsheet edition of 20 with artist Tom Virgin, 2012.