Pierre Gour
County: All
Website: http://www.garthandpierre.com
Grants for Artist Projects 2011
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Pierre Gour and Garth Amundson (Seattle) have lived and worked together as collaborators for the past 25 years. Their work explores notions of collecting, categorizing and classification. Their 2011 GAP funding will help pay for the creation and exhibition of Inventory: Revisited, an extension of their project titled Inventory. This project will consist of large-scale drawings to be exhibited with companion digital prints.
Featured Works
Inventory: Romco Ware, mixed media, digital print, 44"x108", 2007.
Inventory: Platters, mixed media, digital print, 44"x108", 2007.
Penetrating Cuts (proposal composite), mixed media, digital print, 44"x108" each, 2010.