Steve Wing
County: Spokane County

Grants for Artist Projects 2014
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Steve Wing is a writer with roots in Butte, MT. He doesn’t live there now, but can’t seem to stop writing about it (feel free to make any analogies here with James Joyce and Dublin). Some writers claim that writing is all they’ve ever done, back to when they found themselves scribbling graffiti on the womb wall. Steve is more the kind that writing hit at puberty, along with hair, hormones, and a cracking voice. And as with sexuality, it took a while to figure out the various implications. Now that he’s 62 years old, he’s made a reasonable start.
Steve received a 2014 GAP for time to work on a series of linked short stories, or as this form has sometimes been called, a short-story cycle. In this cycle, each story will stand on its own as an independent work. However, given the interweaving of the stories, the unity of the overall effect will be closer to that of a novel than of a short story collection. The story centers on the Hoolihan family of Butte, Montana, and covers a period from the end of World War II to about 1970. The family deals with — or fails to deal with – considerations of sexuality, family dynamics, violence, religion, the rhythms of work, and the rise of science. The stories range from the tale of a young boy lost in a deep underground mine to that of his salesman father facing his own losses while driving the seemingly endless high plains of Montana.