Wynne Greenwood
County: King County

Fellowship Awards 2008
Learn About Fellowship Awards
Wynne Greenwood is an interdisciplinary artist working with video, new media, performance, sculpture, and sound to consider how to connect our time, space, bodies, cultures, and communities. After years of working with video, Wynne began to experiment with methods to make her work physical, extending two-dimensional videos into three-dimensional space and vice-versa. Wynne has traversed the oftentimes indefinable territory of interdisciplinary artist, performing as Tracy + the Plastics in galleries such as The Frye Art Museum in Seattle, but also with the likes of Le Tigre and King Cobra across the United States. Her piece, Sister Taking Nap, appeared at On The Boards in Seattle in 2009, and in 2008 she was the recipient of the PONCHO Special Recognition Award.
As part of her Fellowship’s Meet the Artist requirements, on a beautiful late fall afternoon, Wynne visited La Connor to share her work to a small but welcoming audience at the Museum of Northwest Art. Curator Kathleen Moles and director Gregory Robinson were gracious hosts. The concurrent exhibit, “Dreaming,” was a good fit as Wynne admired that the show was brought together by a theme and not a specific form, much like her own body of work. She was excited as well to think about herself in the context of Northwest art amongst local greats such as Kenneth Callahan.
Artist External Links
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtUwM5UptaO4-x8rmT2-v0Q
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Wynne-Greenwood-448509641864869/
Featured Works

Young Woman Warrior Prepared for Battle, mixed media performance with painter Nicole Eisenman, 2007.

Big Candy Music Video, chicken wire, plaster, paint, hi-8 video, 2008.

Greenwood Common, oil and acrylic stain on wood, 20"x10.5", 2010.

Peas, mixed media installation, 92”x48"x59", 2007.