Human relationships with lands and soils are deep and complex, sometimes based on listening and reciprocity, sometimes scarred by exploitation and toxicity. From colonization, war, and industrial agriculture, to reciprocity, stewardship, and respect; from minute microbial life to vast landscapes: lands and soils reflect choices to live in unity with, or in subjugation of the natural world.

We are interested in stories of land and soils and visions of the future, both ecological and cultural.

For this international online exhibition, WEAD (Women Eco Artists Dialog) seeks visual work and poetry/short literature that directly address these issues.
Entrants may submit no more than three pieces, in any combination of literary or visual arts.

The juror for visual images and video will be Maru Garcia. Maru García is a Mexican, LA-based artist/chemist working across art + science + environment.
The juror for poetry/short literature: Kaylin Lemajeur.

The jurors will prioritize work that addresses issues and solutions.
WEAD (Women Eco Artists Dialog) will accept work in all visual media, including videos.

The show will have:

Artists must be members of WEAD. Membership costs $45. Scholarships are available.