13th Annual Members Exhibition / Calls & Submissions

April 1, 2024

Organization Name: Puget Sound Book Artists

Organization Location: Tacoma, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $15 per book submission, Free postcard submission


The 13th Annual Puget Sound Book Artists members’ exhibit is currently accepting book and postcard art submissions. This year’s suggested theme is Time Travel. You’re free to travel backwards or forwards or even sideways in time. This can be a personal journey to the past or you can envision a whole world of the future. There are no limits to your imagination in interpreting this theme.

The exhibit will be held at the Collins Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, from June 4-August 1, 2024 and at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington during the Fall Quarter, 2024. The deadline for submission of artists’ books is April 1, 2024 and of postcards is May 1, 2024. A full color catalog will be published. There will be free open case presentations and a panel discussion to accompany the exhibit.

Artists must be a current member of PSBA. High school or college students can get a free membership for one year by applying. Submitted entries must consist of work dated 2021 or later and may not have been exhibited in a previous PSBA annual exhibit.
Go to pugetsoundbookartists.wildapricot.org for a prospectus and to apply for membership.
For questions contact Ann Storey, aelizabeth.storey@gmail.com


Opportunity Website