2022 Artist in Residence / Residencies

December 16, 2021

Organization Name: Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest

Organization Location: Clermont, KY

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free


Up to four artists are annually selected for Bernheim’s residency program, each with a $2500 stipend.

For over four decades, the Artist in Residence program has attracted artists from around the world who seek to use Bernheim as their inspiration. Established in 1980, this internationally renowned program annually awards artists the opportunity to live at Bernheim and create site-specific work inspired by their total immersion experience in the natural environment. The work created through this program allows our visitors to experience nature in new and exciting ways while enhancing awareness of Bernheim’s mission of connecting people to nature.

In exchange for comfortable rustic housing, access to studio space, financial and staff support for the development of new work, artists will create a site-inspired artwork, temporary installation or project as a donation to the Bernheim Foundation. Recipients are also asked to engage the public with their work and/or process while in residence.


Opportunity Website
