6X6NW Art Exhibition / Calls & Submissions
September 17, 2020
Organization Name: Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council
Organization Location: Shoreline, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $6
Call for Artists: 6X6NW
Registration Deadline: September 17th, 2020
To protect the health and safety of our community, and to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we will be moving 6X6NW online this year!
Registration and participation is open to all — no art background required. There is a $6 fee to register (free for students pre-K to grade 12).
6X6NW will include hundreds of original artworks made by individuals locally and from all over the country – by artists of all ages and skill levels.
6X6NW is a much loved event run by the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating the creativity in all of us. The proceeds from this event work to keep the arts thriving in our region.
We hope you will be a part of 6X6NW! You can submit a maximum of 10 pieces – series welcome and encouraged!
$100 cash prizes will be awarded for Director’s Choice Award, and Sponsor’s Choice Award! Awards are for the artists work (1 or 10 pieces)
Schedule for Artists:
August 1: Call to artists
August 1 – September 18: Artwork may be mailed to the Arts Council
September 2-5 & 9-12 & 16-18: In-person drop-off at the Gallery at Town Center (12-5pm)
October 2, 10am: Early Entrance Ticket Holders have access to buy
October 2, 2pm: Buying opens for all
October 31: The artwork will be available for the month of October for purchase
November 11-14 &18-21: Unsold works may be picked up from the Gallery at Town Center
December 1: Unsold works to be returned by mail via USPS by this date
December 1: Artist commission checks will be mailed by this date
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsVisual