9-days Physical Theatre Program in Austria / Calls & Submissions
December 11, 2020
Organization Name: IUGTE Physical Theatre Residency
Organization Location: IUGTE Physical Theatre Residency
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: 150 EUR
International Physical Theatre Lab and IUGTE Conference
12 – 21 December 2020
Laubegg Castle – Ragnitz, Austria
The program includes intensive practical training, lectures and discussions
with the theatre director and teacher Sergei Ostrenko
and the program of IUGTE Conference with performing arts academics and professionals from around the world!
The workshop program is focused on the Ostrenko brothers approach of performers’ training, relying on the Russian Theatre Tradition, as well as the newest experiments in performing arts. Performer’s physicality in the methods of K.Stanislavsky, M.Chekhov, Vs.Meyerhold’s Biomechanics, Tai-chi for performers, improvisation, movement directing and teaching. These are some of the elements uniquely transformed and combined in Ostrenko’s teaching system to suit the needs of contemporary performers, directors, and teachers.
Participants will practically explore the performer’s physicality as the principal creative instrument, the key to form and style an atmosphere and emotional palette in contemporary performance, stepping beyond the limits of normative text-based acting.
Details: http://www.iugte.com/projects/physicality
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsPerforming