“ALL Botanical” Art Competition & Exhibition. / Calls & Submissions

July 12, 2020

Organization Name: Contemporary Art Gallery Online

Organization Location: Annapolis, MD

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $15 for up to three images and $25 for up to five images


Online Art Competition to be open for entries from June 15th, 2020 to July 12th, 2020. Contemporary Art Gallery Online encourages entries from all 2D and 3D artists regardless of their experience or education in the art field. A group exhibition of all entrants will be held online from July 15th, 2020 to August 12th, 2020. Artists should submit their best representational and non-representational art. This competition will be judged on Painting & Drawing, Photography & Digital Art, Mixed Media & 3-Dimensional art. Awards will be given for the top 5 to 8 works selected, (this will depend on the number of submissions). Winners will be announced on July 27, 2020. Entry Fee: $15 for up to three images and $25 for up to five images. Funds in US Dollars.

Prizes include Memberships to Contemporary Art Gallery Online, Extensive Marketing, Winner’s Certificates, Inclusion in the Annual Anthology Publication, Event Collateral and much more.

To read the complete Prospectus: https://contemporaryartgalleryonline.gallery/2020-art-competition-all-botanicals


Opportunity Website

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