Art on the Edge: from Extraction to Restoration and Regeneration / Calls & Submissions

June 1, 2021

Organization Name: WEAD - Women Eco Artists dialogue

Organization Location: Bay Area, CA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


WEAD is contributing two exhibits to the nationwide project: EXTRACTION, Art on the Edge of the Abyss. Gallery Route One will host the first exhibit. Please submit work closely aligned with the themes of Extraction, Restoration, and Regeneration. NO FEE to apply.

The extensive EXTRACTION project is being produced independently within at least 46 art spaces nationwide, between 2019-2022, with the purpose of focusing awareness and action on the overuse of Earth’s resources. For more details:

Extraction covers a wide range of subjects: industrial agriculture of crops or animals; open-pit or deep-shaft mining; massive driftnet or trawling fisheries; clear-cutting forests; fossil fuels; water resources; etc. We encourage work that addresses restorative solutions to the problems created by extraction in its many forms.

Gallery Route One is a small contemporary arts center located adjacent to the Tomales Bay Ecological Reserve. Work may be hand-delivered or shipped. There will be two jurors, one from Gallery Route One and one from WEAD.
Exhibition: Sept 18 2021 thru Oct 24 2021

Opportunity Website

AgriculturalAnimalsArt On The EdgeCallsCropsDeep-shaftDriftnetExhibitExtractionFishingGalleryIndustrialMassiveMiningOpen-pitRegenerationRestorationSubmissionsThemedTrawlingWEAD