Artists of Snohomish County Art Show / Calls & Submissions

May 16, 2022

Organization Name: Lynnwood Convention Center

Organization Location: Lynnwood, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Call for Art: Artists of Snohomish County

To support and showcase the many talents of our local Artist’s Community, the Lynnwood Convention Center is calling for submissions for an upcoming ‘Artists of Snohomish County’ show, which will run from late June- December of 2022.
This show will be organized as a series of ‘mini-exhibits’ of 4-6 works from 10-15 selected Snohomish County Artists. Emerging, mature, and established artists are encouraged to submit. In addition to stated guidelines, submitted work for this show needs to be:
No less than 2’ x 2’, and no more than 4’x 6’ before framing or mounting.
Created in any subject matter, but must be ‘family-friendly’ for diverse audiences.
Stylistically consistent.
Wall hangable.
Submissions will be juried by local Arts Community members, with photo submissions due to the Curator by May 16th ( If all work for your submission is not complete by that date, please the contact Curator (Ann Morgan) if you have questions, or need extended time: or 425.330.1275. Submission forms and guidelines are available on our website.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsJuriedLocalLynwood