Artits’ Voices for Pandemic Podcast / COVID-19
September 15, 2020
Organization Name: Transmission Times Podcast
Organization Location: South Berwick, Maine
Type: COVID-19
Fee: Free
I’m Katie Semro an independent audio producer doing a project on the Arts and the Pandemic, and I’m wondering if you’d be willing to participate.
Since the beginning of lockdown I have been collecting audio diaries from people around the world about life during the pandemic. I use these recordings to make the Transmission Times podcast ( which has aired on 17 radio stations across the country and been featured on NPR in California.
I know that this has been a difficult time for artists with venues being closed and gatherings prohibited. But it’s also a moment when we need art more than ever to help us make sense of what’s happening. So I’m looking to hear from Artists and Performing Artists on what this time has been like for them, for a Special Episode of the show.
Would you be willing to contribute your stories?
All you need to do is record replies to the 4 questions below about your lives as artists during the pandemic, and send them in by September 15th. The details of the project are below.
Thank you for your time and help.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Take care,
Arts Special for the Transmission Times
I’m Katie Semro, and since mid-March I’ve been making the podcast Transmission Times using audio diaries from people around the world about life during the pandemic. Now I’m planning a special episode with the voices of Performing Artists & Artists, and I am asking artists of all kinds to do one recording answering 4 questions for me. Would you be up for recording your answers?
All you need to do is record your answers to the questions below on a smartphone and email them to me at, or call 847-354-4163 and leave your answers as a voicemail.
What impact has this pandemic had on your life?
What role is your art playing for you during this time?
What influence is the pandemic having on your art?
What are you missing the most?
Please send your recordings in by September 15th. Thank you!
The details:
When you record please include the date, where you live, and what kind of artist you are, including your name is optional. The stories will be anonymous on the podcast.
If you are using a smart phone Apps like Voice Memos for iPhone and ARS for android work well. Then email the recording to me at — this can usually be done right from the app.
Typically people record for 3 – 6 minutes, but the recordings can be as long or short as you want. Don’t worry about mistakes I will edit these out, just speak from the heart.
I hope to collect a lot of responses and will fit as many as I can into the podcast, and the podcast episode may be broadcast on the radio. All of the replies will be saved in the Transmission Times Archive to document this time for future generations.
Thank you so much for your help with this project!
If you have any questions, technical or otherwise, please let me know!
Artists' StoriesCalls For ArtistsPodcast