Bainbridge Creative District Boundary Markers / Calls and Submissions

January 15, 2024

Organization Name: Arts & Humanities Bainbridge

Organization Location: Arts & Humanities Bainbridge

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Call for Artist:
Bainbridge Creative District Boundary Markers

Arts & Humanities Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Creative District invite regional visual artists to submit design proposals to be considered for our Creative District Boundary Maker project.

The State of Washington hosts 15 Certified Creative Districts, each defined as a walkable neighborhood hub for creative sector jobs, and tourist and cultural activities. Bainbridge Creative District (BCD) was certified by the Washington State Arts Commission in 2021. BCD promotes and supports arts and culture, connecting the community and creative economy of Bainbridge Island.

The Context:
With generous grant money from ArtsWA, BCD has funding available for design and fabrication of three durable Boundary Markers for our walkable Creative District.

Submissions should speak to creative representations of 1) the wide range of artistic endeavors represented within our community, and/or 2) the natural beauty of Bainbridge Island, and 3) the island’s rich cultural heritage. We are also interested in designs incorporating solar lighting and QR codes.

Here are examples of designs utilized by other Certified Creative Districts:
Twist Creative District Art Panels
Port Townsend Creative District Markers

Designs must require only minimal maintenance, if any, be able to withstand the effects of weather, be resistant to vandalism to the extent possible, be able to withstand pedestrian contact including the structural integrity of the boundary marker, and not impede passing pedestrians. It is the responsibility of the selected artist to deliver and oversee the installation.

Benefits to the Selected Artist:
$4,000 for the design and fabrication of one pedestal. Selected artists may be chosen to build 1-3 boundary markers.
Once constructed and installed, the selected markers will be featured widely on our website, social media, and advertisements.
There is no cost for submission.

Washington state artists are eligible to apply. Current AHB Board, staff, and contractors are not eligible for consideration for this project.

Submission Process:
Please submit 1-3 design proposals (drawings or photos will be accepted), suggested mediums and materials, and approximate costs to, no later than 5pm on January 15, 2024. Include your CV, Artist Statement, and contact information. AHB warmly welcomes members of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities. Submissions will be reviewed and selected through a juried process.

Join us as we celebrate the enduring spirit of artistic collaboration and creativity.

Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsMultidisciplinaryVisual