BIPOC Film Project: RFP / Calls & Submissions

June 14, 2021

Organization Name: Shoreline Film Office

Organization Location: Shoreline, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Are you a filmmaker interested in highlighting BIPOC business? The Shoreline Film Office is funding a filmmaker to make 3 mini documentaries/promotional videos with a budget of $10,000. Questions? Email Lorie at

Request for Proposals
1.1 Background

The Shoreline Film Office is a collaborative effort between the City of Shoreline, Shoreline Community College, and ShoreLake Arts, a Local Arts Agency.

1.2 Purpose & Objectives

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain competitive proposals from qualified filmmakers/directors who are interested in creating new work in the City of Shoreline. BIPOC filmmakers are strongly encouraged to submit proposals.

The Shoreline Film Office is interested in having a private sector entity create three mini documentaries/promotional videos about locally owned BIPOC businesses. Each video will be 3-6 minutes in length and have the same director and crew. This can be a great opportunity to make a pilot this year and potentially expand in future years. We believe by having one director and a consistent crew the tone and format will be easier to achieve and simpler to shoot. Preference will be given to applicants who can outline how they would incorporate a mentorship/learning opportunity for film students from Shoreline Community College.

The style of the videos should be more than just a commercial. The best proposals will incorporate aspects of documentary filmmaking like interviews, research, or story-telling while highlighting local businesses.

Businesses to be highlighted will be chosen in partnership between the selected filmmaker and the Shoreline Film Office, and the Shoreline Economic Development Office.

1.3 Project Goals

1) Support filmmakers getting back to work with an emphasis on those additionally disadvantaged by discrimination and unconscious bias.

2) Secure promotional content celebrating diversity within the Shoreline business community.

3) Promote BIPOC-owned businesses through three professionally-produced video content at least 3 minutes in length, but no longer than 6 minutes, suitable for presentation on web and social platforms.

4) Identify lessons learned and recommendations for the Shoreline Film Office to center BIPOC filmmakers in growing its media production industry.

1.4 Usage/Ownership

All intellectual property developed under this project shall adhere to US Dept. of Labor and Education joint grant program creative commons guidelines. Films may be shown at the Shoreline Short Short Film Festival.

1.5 Schedule

June 1 – Call opens for RFP – Seeking a project lead / director

June 14 – Submissions Due by 12:00am (Midnight)

June 21 – Jury Deadline/Director Selected

July1 – August 31 – Pre-Production, Production, and Post Production

September – Fine Tune Videos if Needed.

September 30 – Deliver Final Videos.

1.6 Proposal Submittal

Proposals shall be submitted via email to Lorie Hoffman at All proposals shall be received by ShoreLake Arts no later than the date and time shown in the schedule of events.

1.7 Proposal Response Format

Proposals submitted for consideration should contain the following information in PDF or Word format, proposals should be no more than 5 pages total:

Filmmaker Contact information including Firm Name (if applicable), Address, Email, Phone, & Social Media presence.

Type of Firm (Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, Partnership, Joint Venture)

Proposal – How do you intend to complete the project?

Project Schedule – What is your proposed schedule?

Samples of Previous Work

Simple project budget using the $10,000 award

Optional – Artist Statement or Philosophy Statement

1.8 Evaluation and Selection

All responses received as a result of this RFP will be considered by members of the Shoreline Film Office for the purpose of selecting the filmmaker whom the Film Office will contract for the project. The Film Office may reject any or all proposals if none are considered in the best interests of the project.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following rubric. Please note these are not requirements, but how the jurying possess will be framed:

1) Artistic Vision

Does the artist have a clear subject matter/style? Does the viewer see a vision or story told in the presented work? How cohesive is the body of work?

2) Mastery of Technique

Does the work present high quality craftsmanship and show mastery of skill? Are techniques used in a skillful way? The artist statement may also serve as a resource for process/additional skills.

3) Originality

Does this work show something new, emerging, or cutting edge? Is the technique new or developing in practice? Is the artist using a traditional technique in a new or unusual way? What is this work contributing to the advancement of its field?

4) Professionalism

Does the artist communicate in a timely manner? Does the artist have a track record of solid and fruitful relationships with the community and film crew? Does the filmmaker have relationships with the Shoreline film community or Shoreline Community College film students?

5) Commitment to Inclusivity

Does the artist demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusivity and anti-racist work? Does the work sample or artist statement clarify that the project is meeting its project goals?

1.8 Insurance Requirements

Filmmakers shall obtain insurance of the types described below during the term of this Agreement and extensions or renewals. These policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, provisions that:

1) Filmmaker’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with insurance or insurance pool coverage maintained by the Film Office as excess of the Filmmaker’s insurance (except for professional liability insurance); and 2) Filmmaker’s insurance coverage shall not be cancelled, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Film Office.

A. Professional Liability, Errors or Omissions insurance with limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 policy aggregate limit shall be provided if services delivered pursuant to their Contract involve or require professional services provided by a licensed professional including but not limited to engineers, architects, accountants, surveyors, and attorneys.

B. Commercial General Liability insurance covering premises, operations, independent contractors’ liability and damages for personal injury and property damage with a limit of no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. The Cityof Shoreline, Shoreline Community College, and ShoreLake Arts shall be named as an additional insured on this policy. The Filmmaker shall submit to the Shoreline Film Office a copy of the insurance certificate and relevant endorsement(s) as evidence of insurance coverage acceptable to the Film Office.

C. Automobile Liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death and property damage shall be required if delivery of service directly involves Filmmaker use of motor vehicles.

1.9 COVID-19 Note

All applicants must follow the most current guidelines from the State of Washington around COVID-19 protocols.

1.10 Award

The Shoreline Film Office will dedicate $10,000 to the production (including pre and post production) of 3 mini-documentaries/commercials.

Opportunity Website
