Black and Indigenous Residency at Editions Studio / Residencies

November 7, 2022

Organization Name: Seattle Print arts and Editions Studio

Organization Location: Seattle, WA

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free


Seattle Print Arts in partnership with Editions Studio is offering a year-long residency, which will provide access for Black and Indigenous artists to create artists’ books, broadsides, posters, and other works on paper at Editions in Seattle, WA. This residency aims to assist underrepresented artists and provide participants with the tools, connections, and support to develop and enhance skills needed to further artistic and professional development. Editions and Seattle Print Arts believe in the radical power of print, and selected artists will be equipped with new ways to contribute to their communities, broader artistic and printmaking communities, and the greater cultural vitality of the region.

The residency is a calendar year and runs from January 1-December 31, 2023
● Artists receive a $750 stipend from SPA and a year-long membership to SPA.
● Artists have dedicated table space at Editions with storage underneath and 2 flat file drawers.
● Artists attend workshops at Editions every second Saturday of the month to learn and practice bookbinding, letterpress, and printmaking skills, and to dialogue with the other residents.
● Artists meet with a book arts mentor chosen by them for up to 6 hours.
● Artists produce 2 mini broadsides each for the Editions poetry subscription project.
● The artists’ residency culminates in a show at Editions.

Completed application due Nov 6th, 2022
Required Documents: Saved as two PDFs

PDF #1: All TEXT Documents
(save as: FirstInitialLastName_1.pdf example: JSmith_1.pdf)

In this order:
● Biography (300 words, takes the place of a résumé or CV)
● Artist Statement (200 words or less)
● Letter of Intent (200 words or less)

(save as: FirstInitialLastName_2.pdf example: JSmith_2.pdf)
● 5-10 Images of your Work
Include Title, Medium, Dimensions, Year Completed
Send to

Notifications will be sent November 21st, 2022

Seattle Print Arts

Opportunity Website
