Call for Artists: Nationwide Art-focused Shopping Day / Calls & Submissions

July 31, 2020

Organization Name: Artists Sunday

Organization Location: Online

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


We’re inviting all working artists to join us in Artists Sunday, a national event and marketing campaign encouraging shoppers to purchase from artists, and give unique, original items as gifts.

We’re an alliance of artists, local arts agencies, cities, chambers, state agencies, and non-profit organizations across the country, all coming together to encourage consumers to shop with artists and craftsmen. Participation is free. See a list of participants, including artists and partners, on our web site at

Simply put, Artists Sunday is an art-focused shopping day the first Sunday after Thanksgiving. It follows Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, the day before Cyber Monday, the largest shopping weekend of the year. While we’ve claimed Sunday as Artists Sunday, we do expect participants to host events and promotions on other days of the week, just as Black Friday is no longer just on Friday these days. So please don’t let the day constrain you.

Artists Sunday is a unified rallying cry, a national movement & marketing message, uniting individual artists and communities across the country in a singular effort; a vocal voice of 1,000’s across the country. All promoting the giving of artist-created gifts during the busiest shopping weekend of the year.

Participating artists and partners receive a comprehensive marketing toolkit in early October to use throughout the fall. We will be implementing a nationwide public relations campaign in the fall focusing on our artists and partners. Details can be found at

Seattle Post Intelligencer, Seattle Arts and Culture Blog covered us here:

Opportunity Website

Art SalesCalls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsOnline