Call For Musicians / Calls & Submissions

August 7, 2021

Organization Name: Bainbridge Island Summer Studio Tour

Organization Location: Bainbridge Island, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions | Volunteering

Fee: Free


Regional musicians, singers, and small groups are invited to bring their musical talents to the studios during the summer art event at this year’s Bainbridge Island Summer Studio Tour. The dates are August 13, 14, & 15. The event showcases artwork that is hand-crafted by regional artists, with attention to quality and originality.

Celebrating their 21st year for the summer event, the Studio Tour is a popular grass-roots art event held in island studios and gardens. With lovely space in the artist’s gardens, musicians can share their gift of live music with patrons who visit the art studios over the course of the 3-day weekend. Both professionals and amateurs are welcome. Musicians and singers perform on a volunteer basis. More details and a sign-up list can be found at:

Note: Musicians can put a tip jar out, or sell CDs.

Opportunity Website

AmateurBainbridge Island Summer StudioEvent ShowcaseMusiciansProfessionalRegional MusiciansSingers