Community Justice Center – Public Art Project / Calls & Submissions

January 31, 2022

Organization Name: City of Lynnwood Arts Commission

Organization Location: Lynnwood, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Looking for up to 8 artists or artist teams to create artwork the future Community Justice Center (CJC) at the garage wall.

The CJC will house a new police, court, and jail facility with an expected completion date of late summer or early fall 2023. The Arts Commission desires that the art to be part of the greater conversation about justice and policing. We are committed to involving under-represented artists, and hearing the voices of our marginalized community members.

Total project budget is $216,000, divided into $27,000 per wall segment.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsLynnwoodPublic ArtRFP