Covid Art Sale / Calls & Submissions
December 31, 2020
Organization Name: Gallery.CEL
Organization Location: Instagram
Type: Calls & Submissions | COVID-19
Fee: Free
Gallery.CEL will feature the artwork of artists who are struggling to make ends meet. The art will be posted for sale, and 100% of the proceeds will go to the artist (or the artist and their associated gallery). Advertising on several platforms will be made at the gallery’s expense in order to attract as much traffic as possible, but you should also reach out to any and all social media contacts to promote the upcoming sales.
Art will be selected based on a combination of quality as well as need. Submit 3 samples of your artwork, including material, size, and price, and a statement explaining your financial status.
This is a national call because many/most states are not implementing eviction restrictions. So feel free to pass this along to artists in other states.
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsCovid-19Online