Dancers, Multidisciplinary Artists, Filmmakers: Call For Video Submissions / Calls & Submissions

June 12, 2020

Organization Name: Ritual Arts

Organization Location: Worldwide

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Los Angeles Composer and Renowned Film Orchestrator is seeking video submissions of dance, original art, short films and/or digital art, set to new tracks from his forthcoming album, which will be released in the fall of 2020. The album features boutique electronics, cello, bass and alto recorder, percussion, and assorted keys, resulting in an ambient-adjacent journey.

Submissions should take the form of an original video featuring dance, or multidisciplinary art, digital art, or short films to be used as official collaborative videos released in conjunction with the album.

Artist retains full copyright of their video, while participating in revenue sharing.
Email for tracks.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMediaPerformingVisual