Display (and sell) in Downtown Seattle Wine Bar / Calls & Submissions
September 13, 2021
Organization Name: Audacity Wine Bar
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
We welcome all local PNW works of visual art framed and ready to display to our local and traveling guests.
All pieces but be framed or able to be hooked and suspended on our hanging track railing. Space on the wall is limited only by the the size of work.
Length of time displayed is minimum of one month and up to three months. If you would like for us to help sell your works to guests, the Audacity does not require any commission on the sales; only charge for the credit card processing fees, unless you have alternative processing via website or venmo.
The wine bar is also available for the artist to rent without the food rental fee to host their own gallery opening.
Calls & SubmissionsSeattleVisual