Don’t Touch Your Face / Calls & Submissions

May 15, 2020

Organization Name: ShockBoxx Gallery

Organization Location: Hermosa Beach, CA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $25


Don’t Touch Your Face

So here we go, locked down and headed into the unknown. Nobody knows what the next hour holds right now. What we do know is that the creatives have a moment to capture and a story to tell. This show is currently planned to open in June. We are making this a long open call because we want you to capture this experience as it unfolds. Circumstances and information are going to be evolving or devolving on the fly and we want you to know, we are in it with you. One way or another, the show goes on.

This is an Open Call to ALL MEDIUMS and artists from ALL LOCATIONS.

Cutting edge Hermosa Beach gallery is looking for the best working artists to feature in an upcoming group exhibition at ShockBoxx Gallery in June of 2020. The top artist submissions will win a Cash Prize and Award Certificate, as well as receiving Featured Wall Space in the exhibition. Since the call is open to all mediums, we leave it up to you to choose your very best artwork that fits your own experience during this pandemic. We are interested in gathering a wide variety of experiences to paint a broader picture that will not only capture the perspective of the artist, but also of what it has been like to live through this as a human being and a culture as a whole.

Artworks will be judged based on creativity, originality, quality of work, composition, and overall artistic ability.

Competition will also be featured on ARTSY.

Cash Prizes to top three pieces selected by jury.

Jurors: Leah Perrino, Astrid Parker, Preston M. Smith, Scott Meskill and Mike Collins.

ENTRY DEADLINE: Submit your entries from now until May 15th, 2020.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For Artists