ENVIRONMENTAL / Calls & Submissions

May 20, 2020

Organization Name: Linus Galleries

Organization Location: Long Beach, CA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $35 for 3 entries, $5 for additional entries.


Our Earth seems to be crumbling rapidly because of climate change and greed. Artists understand the spirituality of Mother Earth, her colors vibrant, her landscapes and microcosms abundant. They also understand the sadness and despair of what humankind has created out of cruelty, selfishness and the mighty dollar. We live in two worlds. The dichotomy is obvious. In this art contest we ask for the artist’s interpretation of the meaning of Environmental, the significance, the timeliness, the beauty and the devastation.

Art calls are open to all local, domestic, national and international professional and amateur artists. All art mediums will be considered in this call for submissions, from photography, wall sculpture, ceramics, fabric, mixed media, all paintings and drawings including, oil, acrylic, pastels, ink, graphite, etc.


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For Artists