Fall 2021 Multidisciplinary Residency / Residencies

April 15, 2021

Organization Name: Bethany Arts Community

Organization Location: Ossining, NY

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free


Bethany Arts Community offers residencies to emerging and established artists for the development of both new works and works in progress. BAC welcomes artists working across most disciplines, including visual artists in any medium, writers, playwrights, choreographers, musicians, composers, performance artists, filmmakers, and lighting, projection, costume and sound designers. Enjoy an environment where artists from different disciplines can work near each other, creating opportunities for cross-pollination.

Artists may apply for residencies of 12 days between September 21 and October 23.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST

Notifications: May 24, 2021


Opportunity Website

All DisciplinesLiteraryMediaMultidisciplinaryPerformingPhotographyResidenciesResidencyVisual