Farmers Market Pavilion Public Artwork: Request for Qualifications / Calls & Submissions

April 23, 2021

Organization Name: City of Eugene Cultural Services

Organization Location: Eugene, Oregon

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


The City of Eugene is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from experienced artists or artist-teams eligible to contract with City of Eugene to create public works of art in and around the new Farmers Market Pavilion.

Project Description
The new Farmers Market Pavilion (FMP) will be a permanent structure that will allow the market to operate year-round; later phases of the project will include a new City Hall and improvements to the existing Park Blocks (south of 8th Ave). It has become a vital source of quality local produce and a cornerstone of downtown activity. While the Farmers Market has maximized use of the existing space, the configuration and limitations of the site make it difficult for the market to grow and reach its full potential. For many years, the Farmers Market has expressed a need and desire to establish a larger and more prominent, year-round market in downtown. The new Farmers Market Pavilion will be a permanent structure that will allow the market to operate year-round along with a new City Hall and improvements to the existing Park Blocks.

The all-inclusive budget for this work is $66,000 including, but not limited to, all costs associated with research and reports from licensed professionals as necessary, materials, fabrication, transportation, travel, insurance, and installation. This budget may be divided to commission multiple artists.

Public Art Site Goals
This project offers an exciting opportunity for artists to create site-specific works that are iconic, enliven the space for the community, contributes to a sense of belonging in Eugene and beyond. Artists chosen as finalists will be asked to produce site-specific concepts representing their interpretation of potential themes established by the Public Art Selection Committee which include:

-Celebration and Acknowledgement of the Land/Willamette Valley/Water/River
-Culturally Diverse/Inclusive Communities/Connections

Potential Art Locations:
-Interior CLT wall of FMP approximately 80’ x18′.
-Can accommodate an art piece 7’-0” high and 75’ wide.
-Will have acoustic materials covering it which can be integrated in the design.
-Exterior central plaza area east of FMP & approximately 20’ x 20’
-To consider: Deciduous trees will grow to be 30-50 feet tall.
-Exterior West-Wall Elevation of FMP for mural approximately 50’ x 12’.

Visit our website to learn more.—Call-to-Artists

Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsCommunityEugeneOregonPublicRFQSiteSpecific