Fellowship Grant / Funding

August 10, 2022

Organization Name: Robert B. McMillen Foundation

Organization Location: Ellensburg, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


The Robert B. McMillen Foundation believes in the power of the arts to change lives, to make the world a better place, to build vibrant communities, and to build bridges of understanding. We believe in a just, equitable, and inclusive society and we feel the arts and artists can play a key role in advancing these ideals.

The MAC Fellowship Program is designed to recognize and empower:

Washington State Visual Artists Only – artists living in other states or practicing in other artistic disciplines are not being considered at this time.
Highly-motivated emerging and mid-career artists looking to transition from undiscovered to established, self-sustaining professionals.

Selection Criteria:

Artistic Excellence
Evidence of mastery of skills and techniques, professional approaches to process and presentation, and/or communication of unique vision or perspective.
Artistic Merit
Evidence of some/all of the following: Potential impact on the artistic and/or cultural development of a community or individuals; and/or potential to broaden access to, expand and diversify the audiences for, and/or strengthen communities through the arts.
Community Involvement/Engagement
Will participate in the MAC – mentor up and coming artists; give a presentation.
Demonstrated interest and experience in community engagement.
Funding Impact
Gives clear evidence of how the funding will further the artist’s career and impact community.

This program exists to help support artists with tools, resources, and funding help ensure artists thrive. We seek to foster personal connections with individual artists for the purposes of impacting and building community. We welcome artists who push boundaries, provoke and compel, are changemakers, mentors, teachers, champions of issues of social justice, messengers, community builders, etc.

There will be two levels of application review: 1) Portfolio, Artist & Impact Statements, and 2) In-person Interview – this will be in a GROUP interview setting. Top candidates will spend the day all together along with our selection committee. Details TBD.

Timeline for the 2022 Fellowship Application Cycle:

Deadline: Midnight on Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Panel Review: Mid-August – Early September 2022

Finalist Notification: Early September 2022

Finalists must attend in-person interview: TBD – Late September

Award Notification: September 30, 2022

Funding Period: October 1, 2022 – Sept. 30, 2023

Final Report Due: September 30, 2023 or 60 days following expenditure of all funds, if sooner

Want inspiration? Check out last year’s Fellows and Alumni!


Opportunity Website
