Fife 2023 Utility Box Art Wrap Project / Calls & Submissions
April 28, 2023
Organization Name: City of Fife
Organization Location: Fife, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
The City of Fife is committed to supporting a vibrant artistic community. The mission of the Fife Public Arts Commission is to actively encourage the development and sustainability of the arts in the city. One way we’re doing this is through our utility box art wrap project, which launched in 2020.
The Fife Public Arts Commission is looking for more artwork to continue wrapping city-owned utility boxes. We believe that adding colorful, family-oriented artwork on boxes in highly visible areas of the city strengthens Fife’s identity and sense of community.
Artists are free to explore themes that are meaningful to them, but the themes of history, community, family or the city’s tagline, “Industrious by Nature,” could provide a starting point.
Artwork must be fully original and designed to fit the template dimensions specified on the application form. Artwork may be in any media and submitted in digital format by the artist with the application. See link for full details.—Call-for-Artists-2023
Calls & SubmissionsFifeFree To ApplyPublic Art