Flower Basket Pole Artwork, Edmonds WA / Calls & Submissions

April 2, 2020

Organization Name: City of Edmonds Arts Commission

Organization Location: Edmonds WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


City of Edmonds Arts Commission Opportunity for Flower Basket Pole Artwork

The City of Edmonds Arts Commission has funding available for an opportunity for artists to create small permanent sculptural pieces on top of new flower basket poles in downtown Edmonds. Two artists will be selected to create a total of four new pieces to augment a permanent outdoor exhibit of 25 studio scale artworks by regional artists. The artwork should provide a strong visual element at the top of the 10 – 12’ black pole. Flower baskets are hung for approximately four months of the year. Poles are available for commemoration by members of the public and the plaque includes the artist’s name and name of the piece. A total of $2,700 per artist is available for design, fabrication and delivery of two unique elements. The request for qualifications deadline is Thursday April 2, 2020.

For details and submission instruction, see the Call-to-Artists page: https://cityofedmondsartscommission.submittable.com/submit/162131/flower-basket-pole-artwork-request-for-qualifications .
For information about the Flower Basket Art Poles and walking tour guide, go to: http://www.edmondswa.gov/images/COE/Government/Boards_and_Commissions/Commissions/Arts_Commission/Flower_Pole_walking_tour_and_commemoration_FOR_WEB.pdf.
A map of all Edmonds Public Artworks, including the Flower Basket Pole Artwork, is available here: http://edmondswa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=73be47330c884b26823854b86b027e37


Opportunity Website