Focus II Photography Exhibition / Calls & Submissions

September 28, 2019

Organization Name: Envision Arts

Organization Location: Denton, TX

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $10 for up to 6 images


Focus II will be a second installment of our virtual photography exhibition. This gallery will be a contemporary and fine art online exhibition that exemplifies the art of photography, and will be on display between October 1 – October 30. Accepting all contemporary and fine art photography submissions. Submissions are open internationally. All work must have been completed within the years 2015-2019 and not previously exhibited at any Envision Arts Exhibition. Eligible photography media include, but are not limited to: film, vintage film, digital photography, mobile photography, film stills, or digitally altered photography. Original prints of other media artwork will not be accepted.

Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmisisonsExhibitionPhotography