Free 2020 Summer Residency Program / Residencies

January 31, 2020

Organization Name: Alchemy Art Center

Organization Location: San Juan Island, WA

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free


Alchemy Art Center is a nonprofit community studio on San Juan Island. We are currently opening our application process for our 2020 summer residency program. The residency includes rustic housing and access to our Printmaking, Ceramics, and Darkroom Photo studios. The opportunity is free of charge for professional artists who are willing to donate 5 hours per week of their time to the studio. Usually, this time donation takes the form of teaching classes or doing demos and community outreach, though it could vary depending on the applicant’s interests and skills. This is a 1-3 month opportunity during our summer quarter: June 15 to Sept 15.

Opportunity Website

CeramicsDarkroomPhotoPhotographyPhotosPrintPrint MakerPrintmakerPrintmakingResidenciesResidencySummer