Future Tense 2021 / Calls & Submissions

April 15, 2021

Organization Name: Surface Design Association

Organization Location: Santa Fe, NM

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $15 SDA student members/$20 non-member students.


FUTURE TENSE 2021 will celebrate the creative work of student artists, designers, and makers working with or inspired by fiber or textile materials or techniques. FUTURE TENSE 2021 offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary fibers by presenting the very best work being made by students in the field today. All SDA members and non-member students working in all media are encouraged to apply. Jurors: Ann Coddington, Miyuki Akai Cook


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsExhibitionFiber ArtFiber ArtsVisual