Gender Euphoria: Call for Gender Non-Conforming Artists / Calls & Submissions

April 19, 2020

Organization Name: Five Oaks Museum

Organization Location: Portland, OR

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Five Oaks Museum’s upcoming exhibition, Gender Euphoria: Contemporary Art Beyond the Binary, will feature artworks by gender non-conforming artists who explore feelings of joy, bliss, elation, and delight in their experience of gender-queerness. Gender Euphoria opens July 9, 2020 at the museum and on their digital platforms.

The museum invites submissions from artists who:
identify outside of the gender binary, including but not limited to trans*, two-spirit, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and non-binary.
live and work in the Pacific Northwest, here defined as Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Idaho, and Northern California.

BIPOC artists, artists experiencing disabilities, and other artists who are often underrepresented in museum exhibitions are strongly encouraged to apply. We acknowledge that the gender binary is a cultural construct rooted in colonial violence. This exhibition recognizes that genderqueerness has existed in many indigenous communities since time immemorial.

Submission is free, and selected artworks will be exhibited July through October at the Five Oaks Museum in Portland, OR, on unceded Kalapuyan land. Selected artists will receive a stipend of $50 for their participation in the exhibition.

If you are interested in exhibiting your work in Gender Euphoria, please use the link below to submit 3-10 artworks in any media that are relevant to the theme of gender euphoria. The deadline for submission is April 19, 2020. If you are interested in doing a performance, programming, or site-specific installation at the exhibition, please note this in your submission and include images of past performances.

More information about the exhibition is posted on the Five Oaks Museum website at If you have any questions about the exhibition or call for artists, or any accommodation needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Guest Curator, Becca Owen, via email at

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For Artists