GROWN: An International Call / Calls & Submissions
August 30, 2020
Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center
Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.
The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists to submit works about maturity and adulthood, and how these and related concepts are addressed in the art of today. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual, abstract, or experimental of any media.
The passage of time is measured, in part, by our state of mind. When we’re young it moves so slowly. As we age, time’s passing quickens. While it is unclear whether this perceptual phenomenon is linear in progression, or logarithmic, one thing is clear, adulthood comes with (or is perhaps catalyzed by) the recognition of the limits involved.
Historically, cultures would enact fairly strict rites of passage which served as a powerful albeit symbolic threshold which divided a person’s time in childhood from their time in adulthood. One day you’re a child, the next you’re an adult, and you could point to a specific point in time and event when this change happened. Today we ooze from childhood into adulthood. The threshold is not so clear. It seems the modern world in all its sophistication may have redefined childhood, and therefore adulthood, and now we have to decide what that means for ourselves.
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMediaVisual