Highway 99 Banner Project / Calls and Submissions

March 28, 2024

Organization Name: Edmonds Arts Commission

Organization Location: Edmonds, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


About the Project: The City of Edmonds Arts Commission (Edmonds WA) is requesting qualifications (RFQ) for artists/graphic designers interested in creating designs for permanent cut metal banners to be attached to 14 existing street light poles in the Edmonds International District on Hwy 99. Up to 7 artists will be selected based on qualifications and compensated to create 2D graphic design-only proposals. Selected designs will be fabricated and installed by the City. Applications due March 28, 2024.

Eligibility: This opportunity is open to artists and creatives, including graphic designers and other artists who work in 2-dimensional media, who reside in the Pacific Northwest. Both established and emerging artists including students (must be 18 years of age or older) may apply. In addition to submitting their qualifications, applicants are required to provide a statement about why they are interested in creating designs for this neighborhood. Applicants, if selected, must be willing to work with the City to provide final design files which meet requirements for fabrication.

Budget: Up to 7 finalists will be selected and paid a stipend of $600 to create 3 design concepts for initial review. Artists whose designs are selected by the selection panel for banner production will receive a fee of $1,000 for final design development per selected design (e.g. proposals, plus two final designs is a grand total stipend of $2,600). Detailed specifications for final designs will be provided to the finalists.
Please read the PDF information page for complete information and link to online application. Review criteria, overall project timeline and additional information, including reference images are available in this document.


Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsVisual