Impact Short Film Festival / Calls & Submissions
August 31, 2021
Organization Name: DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
Make a film, make a difference!
We are looking for original short films that celebrate how anyone andweveryone can have an impact on homelessness. That might be a small gesture that means a lot to someone, or a community effort that affects systematic change. We encourage all types of film, with the only parameters being length (10 minutes or less) and the theme. There are 4 awards, and no submission fee! The awards are:
($1000) Impact Grand Prize Award -The film awarded this prize will best represent the spirit of the Film Festival. It will address or embody how everyone can have an impact on homelessness.
$500) Social Justice Award – This prize will be awarded to the film that speaks most clearly about Social Justice, as it relates to homelessness, showing the relation of balance between individuals and society measured by comparing distribution of wealth differences, from personal liberties to fair privilege opportunities.
($500) Compassion Award- The Compassion Award will be given to the film that most effects our emotional response to homelessness.
($500) Youth Award Winner – While youth entries are eligible for all prizes, this winner will be selected from entrants who are younger than 18 years old at the time of October 31, 2021.
For more info, you can go to
Or our website:
If you don’t know us, DESC (The Downtown Emergency Service Center) is King County’s largest provider of services to the population experiencing homelessness. We serve over 3000 people every day! Though we are the largest, we aren’t often recognized in Seattle. (But on the world stage, we are considered leaders as it relates to homelessness and mental health.) We hope this festival will be a great way to educate the community and approach our cause with a new voice.
The finalists will be shown at an event in September at the Ark Lodge Cinema in Columbia City and in an online event, with attendees voting for the winners. Thank you for helping us get the word out.
AwardFestivalHomelessnessImpactOriginalPirzeShort FilmSystemic Change